Saturday, 28 December 2013

What you thought about trees and your local Environment!

Further to the Westminster,Stanney and Wolverham Environmental Action Plans, The Mersey Forest asked local people some questions about themselves and their local environment.

Here's a selection of what they said.

These questions were asked before any new tree planting took place.

We know that a more attractive and greener environment makes being outdoors makes for a more pleasant experience for mind, body and soul!

New cycle and walking paths nearby can be accessed via Green Streets for walking the dog,taking the kids to the park, fishing, or just hanging out!

With 65% of people doing these activities we think it makes sense.

With 30% enjoying gardening as an outdoor activity and 80% of those questioned agreeing that street tree planting will benefit the area we think that extending the garden to the street is a good idea?

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Why are The Mersey Forest working in Ellesmere Port?

So why did The Mersey Forest work in Ellesmere Port? When we planted trees in Rossmore, Stanney and Wolverham and approaching the town centre, we did'nt just think - 'it seems a little sparce on the trees' we also knew two things: 

  • 15% of the population live in deprived areas.That's 1 in 7.
  • A recent MIND study survey (the mental health charity) reveals almost 90% of people said that 'doing physical exercise outdoors in a natural environment was either important or very important in determining how they felt' 
  So is it fair that their environment is deprived too?

 We thought not. 

 By creating places and spaces that are good to walk and cycle around, and in between places that matter, we think this is good for the health and well being of the people that live there.

 Read more here: 

That's also partly why Cheshire West and Chester Council are investing in greenway linkages between neighbourhoods that link places of residence with places of work,training and employment.This makes places better connected,and less isolated:creating great places to enjoy your recreational time too.

This is why we are continuing to work in Ellesmere Port and this year focusing in Westminster to plant over 70 street and green space trees before May 2014.

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Feasibility Study and Tree location Planning undertaken

Following a feasibility study of the streets and green spaces around Westminster in areas highlighted by the Livability Team of Chehire West and Chester a planting plan has been made.Further consultation with individual residents, house owners and tennants is now being undertaken.

The planting will take place in January 2014.

Plans show that around 73 trees will be planted.

Further to discussions whith those that maintain the footway and green spaces it has been shown that planting cannot take place in some areas due to the make up and width of footways together with the proximety of underground services.

See the proposed plans below.  CLICK ON MAP TO ENLARGE.

An image of Grace Rd showing how the street might look with trees

An image of Westminster Rd showing how the street might look with trees

Locations are approximate.Trees planted near buildings will allow adequate spacing,prevent overhang and excessive blocking of light to property and any planting will be based on the Right Tree Right Place principal

Monday, 18 November 2013

Residents Support Tree Planting Scheme

Residents who attended the drop in at the Westminster Community Centre enthusiastically supported the proposed planting scheme in Westminster.

 One residents descibed there love for local large trees near their home and the uplift the trees give to their spirits throughout the year. On a subsequent walkabout with Council staff and residents,community members were able to feedback on their knowledge of the community and give pointers on where best to plant. 

Ben Greenaway Green Streets Coordinator said 'We have received positive feedback from one resident today stating':

'Brilliant news ! It will make the neighbourhood more homely looking'

 'I am a resident on Grace Road and live opposite the school. Trees along this road is a fantastic idea and I will fully support it' !

 The Mersey Forest has now tendered the works and final planting will be subject to further resident consultation.Work is expected to go ahead in January 2014 as part of the Westminster Environmental Action Plan.

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Plans for tree planting in Westminster Ellesmere Port

The Mersey Forest has announced plans to plant around 70 trees in the Westminster area of Ellesmere Port in the coming winter.Working with Plus Dane Housing, Our Place and Cheshire West and Chester Council together with local residents.

Residents will be invited to a drop in and will also be sent consultation documents inviting them to choose the type and location of street and verge trees to be planted near their houses.Tree types will take into account the size and proximety of property,car parking and access issues.

Here's the flyer for the drop in.Come along to find out more!!

This project is funded by monies allocated to the  environment from house builders through local planning agreements,making Ellesmere Port's local areas more pleasent to walk and cycle around as part of sustainable transport options for local residents.By choosing to walk and cycle to shopping centres,training,education and work places you are contributing to your well being as part of a healthy lifestyle.Westminster is well served by walking links to the canal and to local centres.By planting trees in streets The Mersey Forest also hopes to make the area more attractive to further inward investment in property and services.